Dr. Simon,
I am writing this letter to let you know how pleased I am with the incredible job you’ve done on my mouth.
Prior to the time I came to you I was in a great deal of pain due to the TMJ problem. I was having lots of headaches and lots of soreness in my jaw joints accompanied by a loud clicking noise, and no one really knew what to do. I’ve been to many dentists that gave me advice on what to do for the pain, such as massaging my jaw muscles, applying heart, and doing away with anything chewy, but none of them knew how to correct it once and for all. They even suggested trying a mouth piece to keep my jaw in place while I was sleeping.
Since there was no one I knew who specialized in TMJ, I was at a loss, so I dealt with the pain for many years, along with the help of some Advil.
I noticed that the TMJ started about six years ago when I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. When I went back to the doctor for a check-up, I told her all of my symptoms and she told me it was normal and my jaw would revert back to its normal way after I healed up a little more. My jaw never got any better, it only got progressively worse.
Thanks to coming to you my headaches, tightness of the jaw, and everything that went along with the TMJ, has totally gone away. I am completely amazed at how well the whole procedure went. It was painless and only took a few short visits.
Thanks again,
Erica Kellogg